Friday 24 June 2016

MDTA Reflection 2016

After hours of planning, recording, and editing the final video of my reflection in the MDTA programme so far is complete! Looking back over the last 6 months it was amazing to see how much we have all been through and how much we have experienced and learnt. I have really enjoyed the challenges so far and am grateful for all the support from my colleagues. Enjoy!


  1. I have greatly enjoyed watching this Steph and hearing your reflection after six months. You have synthesized your thinking very neatly inside the short time frame of the movie and your technical production tells your story effectively. And you have the cutest 'talent' to engage your viewers too. What fun you are having.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy! I am definitely lucky to have a very cute class and they do provide me with endless laughs and stories :) I hope you are enjoying the last part of your trip!!
